Telluride Film Festival: Documentaries, shorts

Telluride Film Festival: Documentaries, shorts

[click “Play” to hear Gary Meyer’s conversation with Susan]

IMG_5505 Monsoon season in Telluride appears to have ended. The grass is green, the sun is shining bright yellow and the sky is Colorado blue. But this weekend, people who like watching people making well-lit , larger-than-life spectacles of themselves will burrow in dark theaters. This weekend, September 3 – September 6, is the 37th annual Telluride Film Festival.

And it is not just about the full-length features. Documentaries are given equal prominence. Festival attendees also applaud the shorts. (The directors and their compatriots screen about 500-1,000 each year to make their picks.) As they do some of the treasured restorations, some set to music.

Click the “play” button to listen to Festival co-director Gary Meyer talk about shorts and documentaries, including Charles Ferguson’s “Inside Job,” which has already generated Oscar buzz.

For ongoing coverage of 2010 Telluride Film Festival, see Catalog of 2010 Stories.

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