ALACAZEM 2013.12.05

ALACAZEM 2013.12.05

December 5 to 12, 2013   Visible Planets: Morning: Mars, Jupiter    Evening: Venus

snow blue2VenMo5.19I see the dramatically delicate crescent new Moon shining in deep turquoise twilight, hanging slightly above brilliant Venus, low in the southwestern sky. The fields are covered in snow, crystalline white, reflecting the ebbing evening glow of the setting sun. The temperature dropped below zero last night, this morning I awoke to a thermometer reading of -11ºF. I am grateful to have a Lange woodstove and a huge stack of oak, cedar, pinon and aspen in the shed. I am comfortable and blessed; I live a good, simple life, and I am thankful for it. With patience and acceptance, I can experience fleeting moments of grace. This wild west end of Colorado is good to me, it embraces my soul and sets me free.

nelson_mandelahouse of blues4Today I heard the news of Nelson Mandela’s death. He was 95 and died in his sleep. Bless this man of peace. This man who stood for freedom, human rights and peace. He had the strength to endure 27 long years of prison, breaking rocks in the hot African sun. He kept his faith, his self-respect and his heart of gold. He is a true inspiration for us all.

As we move through the first full week of the holiday season, may we follow our hearts – our true hearts – hearts of goodness and love, compassion and gratitude. The Sagittarian ethic, generosity of spirit – giving without expectation, giving from the heart – with joy, grace and golden humility. Giving to those we love, those we know and don’t know. Helping those who are less fortunate, compromised, abused and oppressed. Those who need it, in other words, the world.

God bless and may the angels show the way…

Aries (Mar. 20-Apr.19) Messenger Mercury enters Sagittarius and motivator Mars moves into Libra this week, uplifting attitudes and initiating action in your most important relationships. Others may contact, visit or show up unexpectedly at your door. Generosity and goodness are themes. Be as calm and positive as possible. Tap into the joy, embrace gratitude, be happy.

Taurus (Apr. 20-May 20) Communication with a trusted ally or friend, therapist or healer of sorts is favored now and for the next two weeks. Somehow, you see the forest for the trees and can rise above the petty but powerful chains of ego and release yourself from the bondage of self-fueled internal dialogs. Wisdom and inspiration come in strange and simple ways. Keep an open mind.

Gemini (May 21-June 21) Expect to be contacted and in contact with others as communicative Mercury joins the Sun in your solar 7th house of relationships. Travel may be a big part of the equation as well. Explore new options and discuss ideas with partners. Love and money opportunities emerge as passionate Mars excites sweet romance and creative finance. Follow your heart.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) You may feel a bit cranky or under the weather as things just seem a bit off. But, it’s all good; thanks to giant planet Jupiter retrograde in Cancer. The trick is in taking a backward look at yourself and your life, focusing on what made you happy, what worked out well and what is outrageously fabulous about being you. Cultivate the best within, and simply do the next right thing.

Leo (July 23-Aug.22) Hustle and bustle, getting out and about, visiting with neighbors and friends…the list goes on and on. No use in trying to slow down, but just be sure to pace yourself. Venus in Capricorn encourages service and sacrifice when it comes self-indulgence. Shop for others before splurging on yourself; giving is truly receiving. No worries, guardian angels abound.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep.22) Home life is the good life now, so enjoy it. Find ways to cozy up and get comfy with a book, a crackling fire or someone who nurtures you, body and soul. Romance and creativity go hand in hand; you may discover great joy in making cookies, crafting presents or simply decorating for the holidays. Indulge yourself in pure, sweet love. Feel the joy of peace.

Libra (Sep. 23-Oct. 22) Motivator Mars moves into Libra on Dec. 7th and will remain there until late July 2014. This heralds a super-long period of heightened activity and desire regarding personal interests and agendas. For now, consider what you really want [to do] in life, rather than what others want [you to do]. Focus on self-care and self-nurturing as you shop, create and explore.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) Welcome to a new phase of life and love. With Master Teacher Saturn comfortably settled in your sign, there is little doubt you have learned the power of responsibility, self-discipline and hard work. Focus is something that comes naturally to you; the magic is in using it in positive, productive ways, ways that bring joy to you and others. Keep it good.

Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 20) Fluid, flexible, multi-faceted Mercury moves into Sagittarius this week and turns up the volume on internal dialogues, verbal exchanges and written expressions. It’s time to be authentically you, honest and true to heart. Just make sure you are conscious and aware of what you say. Your ultimate spiritual mission in life is being impeccable with your word. Do your best.

Capricorn (Dec. 21-Jan. 19) Voluptuous Venus in Capricorn shimmers magical light upon you, body and soul, so why not enjoy it? Take a good look around and see the magic and beauty, the sweet heart beneath the hard exterior and the love inside the laughter. Mars in Libra introduces a prolonged period of motivation regarding achievement. Relax in the hustle, smile and take good care of you.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) Friends and friendship play an active, interesting role in the holidays this year, so keep those lines of communication open and pick up the phone. Traveling for special interest or support of others is also favored, you have a lot to give and share. Guardian spirits and angelic forces surround you now; women are especially loving and kind. Be sweet and demonstrate compassion.

Pisces (Feb. 19-Mar. 20) A busy holiday week awaits you as Mercury joins the Sun in your solar 10th house of accomplishment and getting things done. You may be in charge of an important event, hosting parties or orchestrating metaphorical concerts. Just make sure you are taking care of your own lists and priorities. Juggling balls for others can make you crazy. Slow down.



Cynthia is a third generation astrologer living in the high mountain desert of the American Southwest. Visit her website @












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