Medical Moment: Live to 100

Eric C. Johnson, Primary Care Practice Manager, Family Nurse Practitioner

Medical Moment: Live to 100


Telluride Inside… and Out is proud to feature the Telluride Medical Center’s MEDICAL MOMENT, a weekly column that answers common medical questions in pop culture.

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Eric C. Johnson, Primary Care Practice Manager, Family Nurse Practitioner

Eric C. Johnson, Primary Care Practice Manager, Board-certified Family Nurse Practitioner

 Eric Johnson answers this week’s question: What can I do to live to 100?

1.  Talk to your health care provider about appropriate cancer screening

2.  Maintain an appropriate body weight with a Body Mass Index (BMI) less than 25 but greater than 18

3.  If you smoke cigarettes or use tobacco products, stop! The Colorado Quit Line provides resources to aid in quitting

4.  Drink alcohol in moderation, one drink a day for women and 1-2 drinks a day for men

5.  Eat a diet high in vegetables, beans and whole grains. Avoid simple carbohydrates, white flour, sugar, white rice, potatoes

6.  Exercise 150 minutes a week to aid in maintaining ideal body weight and cardiovascular health

7.  Eat a healthy breakfast.

8.  Get age-appropriate immunizations

9.  Spend time with family and friends. Social interaction has been shown to extend life

10. Choose long-lived relatives! Much of our longevity is hereditary


 Editor’s note: The Telluride Medical Center is the only 24-hour emergency facility within 65 miles. As a mountain town in a challenging, remote environment, a thriving medical center is vital to our community’s health.

For more Medical Moments on TIO, Click Here.


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