Telluride Med Center: All About Colon Health

Telluride Med Center: All About Colon Health

Bum-bum, backside or tushy, Dr. Gaylord?

kent gaylord, new copy

Whatever you call it, colon health is anything, ahem, butt a joke…

Colon cancer is the third most common cancer in the United States and the second leading cause of cancer death. But it doesn’t have to be this way; through screening, it is one of the most preventable diseases.

Learn much more about colon cancer here.


Colon cancer is most often found in people 50 years or older, but is currently on the rise in younger groups.

Family history also has a significant impact on one’s risk. In fact, people with a first-degree relative who has colon cancer are 2-3 times more likely to develop the disease.

Learn more about colon cancer risk factors here.


Understand your risk. Read more here and discuss with your primary care provider at your next regular visit.


Colon cancer first develops with few, if any, symptoms. Be proactive and talk to your doctor. Learn more.


On average, the lifetime risk of developing colon cancer is about one in 20 (5%), however, this varies widely according to individual risk factors. Keep reading.


Telluride Regional Medical Center provides the highest quality, comprehensive Primary Care and exceptional Emergency / Trauma Services. Since 1978 the medical center has evolved, wherever possible, right along with complex healthcare technologies and population growth while remaining within the 10,000-square-foot remodeled residential building, built in the 1960s.

Currently the Telluride Hospital District is working to secure a site for a new facility to serve the needs of the region today, tomorrow and 50 years into the future.

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