Author: David Feela

My dear dad taught his girls love and respect could not, should not, be turned on and off like a light switch according to a date on a calendar – like Father's Day. That said, David Feela's tribute to his father, the man's surrogate today,...

The Star of Bethlehem – often just called the Christmas Star – is a major symbol  of the holiday season throughout the world. Picture the silhouettes of three regal men on camels. They are gazing across gently rolling hills or dunes of white, to a...

In this Thanksgiving poem by our not-regular-enough contributor David Feela, a hawk could be a meta for us post-Thanksgiving and into the holiday season. If, that is, the day after, we see ourselves sitting high on the pole, fully satisfied and deeply grateful. If, as...

Labor Day weekend in Telluride twins with the Telluride Film Festival. Elsewhere it is four days that mark the end of summer. Designated a holiday since 1884, Labor Day was instituted to celebrate the contributions of labor to the national welfare of the U.S. In the current climate of...

To honor the memory of his father - and friend who was a father who just past – on Father’s Day, David Feela choose to continue a tradition scholars say might have emerged from Babylonian ruins, where upon a 4,000 years ago, a boy named Elmesu...

You’ve made a little list and checked it twice. No, not that list. Christmas is over. Your New Year’s Eve resolutions. The top 10 usually include losing weight, eating more healthily, exercising more, stopping smoking, sticking to a budget, saving money, getting more organized, being more patient, finding...

Thanksgiving is over. Thank goodness. You made it through the family gathering unscathed. There was plenty for the vegan in the mix. Not one relative was transitioning. No one left the table in a huff. No one cried. That’s the good news. The bad news – at...

According to several blog sites,  72 percent of moms felt more beautiful when they were pregnant. And for Mother’s Day, 1 in 4 moms say they want a trip to the spa.  And that goes for grandmothers too. Why shouldn’t grandmothers be indulged? High fashions brands such as Dolce...