More on Venus/Moon, Jupiter and Mars(?)

More on Venus/Moon, Jupiter and Mars(?)

MoonVenus This morning I rose to watch the "morning star" planets: Venus, Mars and Jupiter. Venus, of course, was easy to see and identify as it is the bright, bright point of light directly east above the horizon. Jupiter was also bright – though much less so – and to the south a bit, just past the waning crescent Moon.

Moon_and_Aldebaran_t But, no, no Mars. I mentioned this a few days ago, but I still have not seen our yellowish-orangish-reddish god of war planet as indicated in the publications – including Sky and Telescope and the Mountain Astrologer – from which I get celestial information. Apparently, it's due to the fact that we are much further west and the Sun rises before we can see Mars. In any case, I'll keep looking. One of these mornings – perhaps manana – it will appear. In the meantime, get up early!

I'm posting a few photos of a Venus/Moon occultation just to whet the whistle. Cheers.

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