Telski: Winter Ticket Prices Announced! Available as of 10/8!

Telski: Winter Ticket Prices Announced! Available as of 10/8!

​Telluride Ski & Golf has announced the resort’s lift ticket prices for the 2020/2021 winter season. All tickets and ski school products will be available for purchase on the website beginning October 8, 2020. Due to the current COVID situation, all tickets and ski school products will be available for ​pre-arrival purchase only. Products will ​not ​be available for day of purchases at ticket window.

Sugar conditions, courtesy, Telluride Ski Resort.

Early season (11/26-12/15/20)
Adult $140

Child $71 (6-12) Senior $104 (65-79)

Regular season (12/16/20-4/4/20)

Adult $169

Child $96 (6-12)

Senior $147 (65-79)

Subject to snow conditions and COVID restrictions, the resort anticipates hosting its annual donation day on Wednesday, November 25 to benefit the Telluride Ski & Snowboard Club. Lift tickets will be $25 that day only with all proceeds going directly to the Club. The regular ski season is anticipated to begin on Thanksgiving Day, November 26, 2020.

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